
Empowerment Coach, Speaker and Transformational Trainer

"Empowering women to unleash their inner magic and build thriving businesses - the Business Witch way."

What Can I Help You With?

At Business Witch, we understand that running a business can be challenging, especially for women who face unique obstacles in the business world. At Business Witch, we are here to help you overcome these challenges and achieve your business goals.
We offer coaching and support tailored to your unique needs. Here are some of the common problems that female entrepreneurs may encounter:

Lack of Confidence

Many women struggle with self-doubt and imposter syndrome, which can hold them back from pursuing their business goals.

Money Blocks

Limiting beliefs, fear of failure, and other mindset blocks can prevent women from reaching their full potential and make money succesfully.

Marketing in Social Media

Social media has become an essential part of any business's marketing strategy, but navigating the ever-changing landscape can be overwhelming. As a Business Witch, I can help you create a social media plan and a sales funnel that resonates with your ideal clients and builds an engaged community around your brand.


Women may face challenges in networking and building relationships. Building connections is very important for running a successful, business. She teaches how to interview, negotiate, do investor pitches, set boundaries and communicate with employees, partners and other crucial people in yur business.

Selling to Clients

Selling can be a daunting task, especially for female entrepreneurs who often struggle with self-promotion. I can guide you through the sales process and provide you with the tools and techniques to confidently and authentically sell your products or services to your ideal clients. With my guidance, you can turn your passion into profit and grow your business to new heights.

Time and Relationships Management

Balancing work and personal life can be tough, and female entrepreneurs often have additional responsibilities such as caring for children, managing healthy relationships with parenters or other family members.


Female entrepreneurs often face barriers in accessing funding, which can limit their ability to grow and scale their businesses.
Lack of Confidence
Many women struggle with self-doubt and imposter syndrome, which can hold them back from pursuing their business goals.
Money Blocks
Limiting beliefs, fear of failure, and other mindset blocks can prevent women from reaching their full potential and make money succesfully.
Marketing in Social Media
Social media has become an essential part of any business's marketing strategy, but navigating the ever-changing landscape can be overwhelming. As a Business Witch, I can help you create a social media plan and a sales funnel that resonates with your ideal clients and builds an engaged community around your brand.
Women may face challenges in networking and building relationships. Building connections is very important for running a successful, business. She teaches how to interview, negotiate, do investor pitches, set boundaries and communicate with employees, partners and other crucial people in yur business.
Selling to Clients
Selling can be a daunting task, especially for female entrepreneurs who often struggle with self-promotion. I can guide you through the sales process and provide you with the tools and techniques to confidently and authentically sell your products or services to your ideal clients. With my guidance, you can turn your passion into profit and grow your business to new heights.
Time and Relationships Management
Balancing work and personal life can be tough, and female entrepreneurs often have additional responsibilities such as caring for children, managing healthy relationships with parenters or other family members.
Female entrepreneurs often face barriers in accessing funding, which can limit their ability to grow and scale their businesses.

Unleashing female empowerment and business success

I am a coach and wellbeing educator who is committed to empowering women and helping them build successful businesses.
In my coaching practice, I also focus on addressing and healing generational trauma, which can limit our beliefs and behaviors. By helping my clients break free from these patterns, I promote self-acceptance and cultivate a sense of wholeness that strengthens their confidence and purpose.
I believe that a strong spiritual foundation is essential for unlocking our full potential as entrepreneurs, and I draw on a variety of modalities in my coaching practice to achieve this. In addition to practical business tools, I incorporate spiritual, ancestral, and quantum energy practices into my coaching and mentoring. This unique perspective on business embraces intuition, creativity, meditation, and energy work as integral components of success.

By combining spiritual psychology, neuro-linguistic programming, energy healing, hypnotherapy, and ancestral healing, I offer a comprehensive approach to help my clients overcome their personal obstacles and achieve success.
Business Witch
As a business coach and mentor, I am dedicated to empowering women to create thriving and successful businesses. I founded The Business Witch to work with women who are starting a business or seeking to take their current business to the next level. I also work with women in the corporate world who are seeking to advance their careers or transition into entrepreneurship. My approach is grounded in spirituality and provides guidance and support to my clients to create a business that aligns with their values and beliefs while still achieving financial success.
Overall, my coaching and advocacy work is focused on creating a world where women can thrive as leaders, business owners, and agents of change.
I offer practical tools, courses, and group mentorship programs to help my clients overcome money blocks and cultivate a healthy relationship with money. This allows them to achieve the financial abundance they desire and create a business that allows them to thrive both personally and professionally.

Professional services and products

6-months access
to level up communications course

Free materials

You can start seeing a future of possibilities again, with the courage to pursue them.
and you can get
your inspiration back!
We will create a plan aligned with your values, which will help you overcome inertia and inspire actions that will help you achieve optimal results.
Life can be happy


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