
Leela –
the game of life

The origin of the Game has a very long history and geography – at different times it had many names and variations of the field, the number of cells, and the location of snakes and arrows also varied. Jain, Hindu, and Sufi versions of the game have been found. In world museums, you can see about 50 variants of boards for the game. They are found in India, Nepal, and Tibet. There is also evidence of Buddhist versions of the game during the Pala Sena period.
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Leela –
the game of life
The origin of the Game has a very long history and geography – at different times it had many names and variations of the field, the number of cells, and the location of snakes and arrows also varied. Jain, Hindu, and Sufi versions of the game have been found. In world museums, you can see about 50 variants of boards for the game. They are found in India, Nepal, and Tibet. There is also evidence of Buddhist versions of the game during the Pala Sena period.
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It's time to break free
from limitations and THRIVE!
  • Leela game is a map that will show everyone the way
    The spirit of LEELA gives the keys to closed doors, helps them open, and correctly decipher what is hidden behind them. It is a game of life that provides insight into human consciousness and a key to divine knowledge.

  • Leela game helps to find answers to important questions
    gain clarity in difficult life situations, resolve internal conflicts, and regain strength and inspiration.
  • With the help of Lila, you can “check the route”
    and, if necessary, correct the direction of movement on your Path.
  • Players compare Leela with a powerful transformation and rebirth
    and this allows us to call the game one of the most powerful tools for helping ourselves and people.
A little bit about the history of the game
The origin of the Game has a very long history and geography – at different times it had many names and variations of the field, the number of cells, and the location of snakes and arrows also varied. Jain, Hindu, and Sufi versions of the game have been found. In world museums, you can see about 50 variants of boards for the game. They are found in India, Nepal, and Tibet. There is also evidence of Buddhist versions of the game during the Pala Sena period.
The Jain version is one of the oldest surviving.
Dated 1735, found in Rajasthan.
The modern Indian version of Leela was first described by the expert and custodian of the Indian tradition Harish Johari in 1974 in his book. The playing field has 72 cells.There are also Hindu versions consisting of 100 or more cells.

As happened with many things, knowledge, and traditions that appeared in the East and then ended up in the West, Lila came to Europe. In 1882 she was brought to England and became very popular.

It is a game of life

The game was originally played by adults, but in 1890 it was adapted for children and made sense of teaching cause and effect.In Russia, the game appeared significantly later than in the West, only in the 1990s of the 20th century.

It was immediately a version with comments by Harish Johari with a field, first in Sanskrit, and then in Russian.In its modern form, the Game has 72 cells, this is the version we will use in the game.

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